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The Bible teaches that giving is a part of growing in our faith. It is a response to God’s good gifts to us, and it is an act of worship toward Him.


If you are visiting RiversEdge Baptist Church website, but RiversEdge Baptist Church is not your church home, we do not expect you to give. There is no obligation to give at any of our worship services. However, if RiversEdge Baptist is your church home, or if the Lord has touched your heart about supporting His work here at RiversEdge Baptist, we hope this tool will help you to abound in the grace of giving.


Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also. (2 Corinthians 8:7)

Designating Your Offering

You can designate a one-time or recurring donation in any combination of the following categories:


Tithe (General Fund):

(RiversEdge Baptist members/attenders only please)

Supports the daily operating expenses of RiversEdge Baptist Church.



Generally a gift over and above your tithe and can be designated to specific

events or projects of RiversEdge Baptist Church.

(i.e.  Signage – Three signs -Total $25000.00 Security System - $6000.00 Pew Bibles - $600)



Supports the spreading of the Gospel throughout the world by investing in the missionary works supported by RiversEdge Baptist Church. For more information about our missions program, click here.


Building Fund

Funds the ongoing building development of RiversEdge Baptist Church.


Click the link above to begin your

monthly giving.


If you would like to volunteer your time and talents, please speak to Pastor Michael or Darlene Hogue before or after services.

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